Space Stations, Crypts, and more

Space Stations and More

The BSP space stations I mentioned before are now in the game. You can access them from the new warp antennas inside warp generators. Settlements now use a similar BSP for the underground portion, and crypts have been made that use BSP as well. Don't know what BSP is? Basically, it's a good way to create a procedurally generated, room-based structure.

Every tribe has a unique space station with its own unique features. I hope you enjoy them.

There have been lots of other small changes and bug fixes (it should crash less), but that's what's big.

I didn't get any of the quest system stuff I talked about previously. That will probably be put off a while, now. Sorry.

What's Next

Right here I have what's probably the biggest and scariest announcement in a while (and probably the scariest ever). The next release of the game won't have body parts anymore. Every creature in the game is going to experience amputations and decapitation (behind the scenes). I'm going to switch to a simpler, more intuitive, single HP bar system.

The body part system is a big deal, but I've realized it simply has more cons than pros, so you can expect it to be gone in the next release.

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